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SmartSeer is a smart belt designed for visually impaired people. The purpose of this belt is to eliminate the need for canes and make the users' life safer and easier. It has ultrasonic sensors which detect the nearest objects in a 360-degree radius (some of them make horizontal observations and others scan the ground at 90 degree angles) and give a warning about the closest object. It has 7 ultrasonic sensors, 1 infrared sensor, 1 acceleration and gyro sensor, 1 raspberry pi and 1 arduino nano. 

His invention smartseer


  • Detecting objects around the person and giving an audible warning

  • Detecting gaps in front of the user and giving an audible warning

  • If a person falls while walking and doesn't get up for 5 to 10 seconds, it calls the emergency number and sends the location of the user. This can prevent serious injuries.

(There are more photos and videos about SmartSeer at "Media" section.

(You can find the news about SmartSeer at the "News" section.)

Attention and Participation Tracking Software (APTOS)

It is a software  mostly designed for companies and especially for online lessons. APTOS analyzes users' faces and detects what they are doing at that moment, such as:

  • ​Recognizing the users faces

  • Detecting where the users are looking (at their phone, their right or left...)

  • Detecting their emotions (whether they are happy, sad, suprised or neutral)

  • Detecting when they are yawning

  • Detecting how many special words that they use - words related to the topic of the meeting - 

After these processes, APTOS gives a graph that shows the performance of the users so that the administor can understand if they listened to the meeting and when they were paying attention during the meeting.

You can find our detailed presentation of the APTOS:

Our demo video showing how APTOS works:

At the end, it gives users graphs such as the ones below:

Performance of Dorukhan in the end of the APTOS Program
Performance of Beril in the end of the APTOS Program
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